Almond smuggling countries in the world

In recent years, the export volume of Mamre almonds in the world has decreased significantly. There are many reasons for these changes.

One of the most important countries where some news sources say that almond trade is smuggled from this region, and this has caused a significant decrease in trade at customs terminals.

Tariff and customs restrictions and, of course, the issuance of sanctions have not been ineffective in reducing the export of Mamre almonds.

The amount of Mamre almonds in this region of Iran is higher than normal, and if we want to make the most of the export capacity of Mamre almonds, we must eliminate almond dealers and smuggling.

The two customs terminals of Shahid Rajaei and Jolfa customs of Shahrekord are the centers from which the trade of almonds is carried out.

Almonds are not exported from any other city of these terminals.

Some traders called the export tariff of Mamre almonds the most important issue in this way, but the officials said the tariff rate of ordinary almonds and Mamre almonds was the most important issue.

The same and never more expensive! These dualities start the process of smuggling and cause significant damage to the export process of almonds in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinces.

Another problem of Mamre almond export is almond smuggling, this time known as luggage trade.

This definition is a bit strange! Unfortunately, this has become popular because it ends up being cheaper! Almond export is very important in Iran.

Almond is a dry fruit whose nutritional value is well known. As you know, almond oil has both medicinal properties and is used in the production of beauty and skin and hair care products.

The use of honey and almonds is very effective in treating nervous problems. The best choice of almonds for export is Mamre almonds.

Iran exports to Persian Gulf countries including Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Oman, and Russia is also a good destination for exporting this product.

Today, a large percentage of Mamre almonds are exported to India and also to European countries such as Germany.

One of the reasons why exporting this product to European countries is a good method is the natural cultivation conditions of almonds.

Currently, almonds are bought, sold and exported in standard and healthy types or bags, and then these types of bags are packed in other bags and these bags are placed in boxes.

They are very delicate. Another thing that can be considered regarding the export of this product is the prevention of almond smuggling, which helps this sector, and proper marketing and finding foreign customers also help the export of this product.

Countries smuggling almond

The amount of smuggling of nuts such as almonds and dried fruits to Iran has increased.

Nuts and seeds from other countries are smuggled into Iran, and despite the increase in the dollar price, they are cheaper than Iranian nuts.

According to Iran’s report, American walnuts and almonds can be seen in the dry market of Iran even in the most difficult conditions of embargo.

The increase in the volume of dry smuggling says.

Foreign walnuts from smuggled Chile are sold at 98,000 and Iranian walnuts at 120,000, which shows that foreign walnuts are becoming more expensive despite the increase in the dollar price.

It is cheaper than Iranian walnut. It will be over! In addition to walnuts, the import of cashews is also prohibited.

According to reviews, cashews are sold in online stores at a reasonable price. And almonds at a very high price compared to similar American almonds.

In the face of the lack of foreign exchange and various and major challenges of importing factory parts, the question is how to import highly smuggled products such as walnuts and almonds?

Smuggling chelghoz price of chelghoz in the market of Iran and Mashhad depends on their quality.

And this type of nuts enters the country in the form of luggage from Afghanistan…

Countries smuggling almond

Discovery of two smuggled shipments of raisins and almonds in transit.

With the vigilance of Iran’s customs staff and the logical monitoring of information on transit cargoes, 2 cargoes of raisins and almonds were discovered and confiscated.

Police officers of Sistan and Baluchistan noticed the unusual stop of two trucks carrying transit goods on the route by intelligent monitoring of transit goods information and observation of the complete customs system and observation of two outgoing cargoes, transit of information, which was confirmed during further inspection. to the property customs officers as the main transit trucks.

Changing loads with other loads The truck driver had transported a load of high-quality black currants with low-quality raisins and raisin scraps.

By cutting the seal of the truck, this driver unloaded the original product and placed the product in the truck.

The driver cut the curtain of the truck and unloaded the almonds, which were the main cargo of the truck and included other products.

According to the law, these two shipments were found to be transporting the contents of contraband goods and were handed over to the judicial authorities.

It should be noted that this border customs is located in Sistan and Baluchistan province and on the border of Afghanistan.

Countries smuggling almond

Almond smuggling in the world

Mamre almonds are the rarest and most expensive almonds with a unique and sweet taste, which is why smuggling this product is very profitable for some people.

Usually, Mamra almonds, a pair (two kernels in the shell), organic and without any additives, are known as the most popular almonds in the world.

Iranian almonds are long-shaped almonds. The taste of almonds is sweet or bitter (depending on the type of almond).

The use of almonds has been popular since ancient times.

There are 3 types of almonds in Iran. One of them produces sweet almonds and the other produces bitter almonds. Mamre almond fruit ripens early.

Fresh almonds have a green color that can be separated after harvesting.

The camera’s almond wood shell is hard and must be opened with the right tool.

Almonds are valuable and desirable nuts due to the abundance of minerals, nutrients, calcium and magnesium, but due to the presence of fat and delay in digestion, they should not be consumed excessively.

Almond smuggling in the world

Daily consumption of 10 almonds is an acceptable amount for body.

Although almonds contain hydrogen cyanide and are bitter, they have the most medicinal uses and it is not recommended to use this nut unless its acid is somehow extracted from the almond tissue.

Bitter almonds contain glycerin oleate oil with a mild aroma and nutty taste.

This oil is used to treat hair loss and itching and is often used as a fragrance in cosmetics and air fresheners.

Sweet almonds can be used alone as a snack or mixed with other nuts.

Sweet almonds are used in various ways to prepare sweets, cakes and desserts, and are also used to decorate a variety of Iranian dishes and desserts.

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