Can Dogs Eat Pistachio Is Pistachio Good for Dogs

Dogs have become universal pets. What they can eat, such as pistachio, and whether they are good for them has become a constant concern. As the cities are developing and the populations are rising, human communication is decreasing.

In this respect, you can find more people living alone for a long time which might increase the possibility of depression and other neurotic problems. Many experts believe that pets can help people cope with the psychological problems emanating from loneliness and the lack of social connections.

Among pets, dogs and cats have found a special place. Some would say that they are the king and queen of the virtual world, invading every corner of social media. Hence, many psychotherapists around the world would suggest that the presence of these cute animals in your house and taking care of them would dwindle many of your neurotic problems.

One of the questions that these days concern dog lovers is the possibility that whether dogs can or cannot eat pistachios. This problem would become twofold, as pistachio is increasingly found in most houses as a delicious snack. This article will try to explain that not only can dogs eat pistachios but also how they might be beneficial to them.

Is Pistachio Good for Dogs

Pets such as dogs are now increasingly prone to eat different nuts such as pistachio, almond, hazelnut, etc. Is this habit good for them or dangerous? The question that whether it is good for pets to eat nuts depends firstly on the kind of nuts they eat. Each kind of nut entails different hazards and benefits.

For example, it is more common for people to have almonds and hazelnut without shells in their homes, thus the possibility of a pet consuming them with shells is extremely low. This is however different in the case of pistachios which are more being used with shell. For the cracking of the shell of other kernels such as almonds you need another tool, however, for pistachios (excluding non-split) you only need your hands.

Pistachios do have many benefits for your dogs, depending on the pistachio that you give to your dog. Pistachios are found in different grades and are divided into the split and non-split kinds.

You must first be aware that dogs can (and should) consume the kernels of pistachio, not the shell. Secondly, it is better for your dog to consume better grades of pistachios since low-quality streaks might make some problems in the future.

Is Pistachio Good for Dogs

Dog Ate Pistachio Shell

As briefly mentioned, eating the kernel of the pistachios might be good for your dogs, however, if your dog ate a pistachio shell you might need to take them to a veterinary. It is hard for any kind of animal to chew the shells of the pistachio even though they might be softer than many other nuts. Moreover, the shell of the pistachios might choke your dog to death. Thus you have to either teach your dog how to crack open pistachios and eat their kernel or you have to do it yourself.

There are also different kinds of pistachios in various grades. Each of these grades has different kinds of shells and tolerance to decay and mold. For example, the American pistachio first grade is being processed very well, draining their moisture which would increase their tolerance against different contamination and blight. Moreover, Iranian almonds are mostly being produced in great quality, having longer durability and greater substance.

However, pistachios that still reserve their moisture and have not been processed properly might have shells with green or black stains on them. Thus it is better for you to have pistachios of greater quality and without shells in your home.

Dog Ate Pistachio Shell

Pistachio Dogs

The connotation pistachio dogs might be used for two meanings, first for the dogs that look like pistachio colors, the other for the dogs that eat pistachio more often. In this section, we would try to explain both of the denotations.

As we know, healthy pistachios are of azure, pink, purple, and green colors. Thus, it is common for dogs that have a combination of these colors to be called pistachio dogs. However, it should not be assumed that these dogs are found easily. They are really so rare to find. Moreover, the possibility that a puppy would have a mixture of these colors and turn into a dog with a different complexion frequently occurs.

Pistachio dogs also would refer to those that eat pistachios in great quantities. This might be surprising for you to read, however, there are some dogs that have even become experts in knowing different kinds of pistachios better than their owners. This is an indication that dogs can be used in different food industries. Notwithstanding, in the next section we will see that eating pistachios might have both negative and positive effects on your dogs’ health. We will see that eating too many pistachios will definitely make your dogs fatter and weaker.

Pistachio Dogs

Pistachio okay for Dogs

Pistachio kernels preserve a great variety of nutritional values that are both okay for pets, such as dogs, and their owner. Thus as much as you can enjoy having a snack of pistachios, you can have your pets gnaw at them. In the following lines, we will try to elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of eating pistachios by dogs.

Pistachio kernels preserve a wide range of nutritional values. First, they have a great number of fibers that can help the digestion circle. Fibers can also strengthen the wall of your dogs’ intestines, helping them to better excrete.

Potassium is another substance that is being found significantly in pistachios. Every animal’s body needs a daily average amount of potassium. This amount is so important that the lack of them would designate an animal mal-nutritional. The deficiency of this chemical in the body of your pets would lead to weakness, fatigue, and cardiac problems.

Another valuable and essential nutrient that pistachio retains in large volumes is vitamin B6. The deficiency of this vitamin can also lead to many problems. It substantially impacts your dog’s cognitive capacity. It also affects the neurological system of the body, generating a loss of concentration, paralysis, loss of memory, and confusion.

Pistachio okay for Dogs

Pistachio Nuts and Dogs

We have seen that pistachio nuts have many benefits for dogs. Today, whether you want it or not dogs have become omnipresent. And as the pistachio kernels are also found in every house it is not uncommon for dogs to crave them. Hence, the relationship that dogs are creating with these delicious nuts. Although pistachios could be beneficial for your dogs, you have to be cautious in giving them too much.

The over-consumption of pistachios can have reverse effects on your dogs. For example, the lack of substances in pistachios in animal’s body can cause confusion, however, the fat in pistachios can also cause dizziness, fatigue, and cardiac strokes.

We have also seen that there are some dogs that look like pistachio colors and are known as pistachio dogs. Although these dogs are now hardly found, there are some people that try to develop this breed.

Pistachio Nuts and Dogs

Our company has been working on the exportation of pistachios for many years, acquiring priceless experiences. We have been able to establish a wide network connecting pistachio cultivators, producers, and consumers. In this respect, we are now capable of providing our customers with many services such as wholesale purchases, custom affairs, transportation procedures, and payment methods. Please for the wholesale price and other information contact us through the available means on this website.

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