Iran is one of the top walnut producers in the region that supplies most of its market needs through domestic production. Iran’s most famous production centers are Toysarkan Hamedan, Aglaid and Bayanat Fars, Baft Kerman, etc. Walnut Tuesarkan is well-known for its high quality in the country.

Despite the high production of walnuts in the country to meet the country’s needs, a small percentage of foreign walnuts are imported, the most important of which are Chinese paper walnuts and different kinds of pectins and pectines and chandler.

Due to low production and lack of competition with Chinese and American models, Iranian products haven’t had great success in entering markets in other countries. Walnut is one of the most widely used food items in the world and is one of the traditional dried fruits in Iran.

The product contains significant amounts of omega 3, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and natural fats, so it is used to treat or prevent some diseases such as heart disease, low blood cholesterol, Alzheimer’s disease and prevent dementia. Cancer, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and many others are recommended.

All of the above items show the very high nutritional value of walnuts, the same nutritional value that has led many people to put walnuts in their daily meal and use walnuts in food, desserts and even walnuts to eat the title of snacks.